Home insurance may not be your cheapest expense, but it’s something you need so how do you make it affordable?
Your mortgage lender may have required you to purchase home insurance in Farmington, CT before they awarded you the loan. You may have received a quote that, like Bugs Bunny, made your head spin and made you see stars orbiting your head. Be happy to know that getting affordable homeowners insurance is not as difficult as you might think. With a little thinking and planning, you can get a great deal that will put more money in your pocket. Here are some simple tips you can use to help you acquire affordable home insurance in Farmington, CT.
- Shop for the best rates. Luckily no one is forcing you to go with one single lender company. You have the freedom to shop around as many mortgage lender companies as you’d like. You should also consider reviewing your homeowners insurance policy every 6 to 12 months, to keep your premiums as low as they can.
- Be vigilant on the amount of coverage your policy covers. The amount you paid for your home is not the same as it would cost to rebuild. If you’re looking for the most affordable policy, be sure to only cover the value of your home. Of course, the cost to rebuild is higher, so just keep that in mind.
- Having a higher deductible rate. A higher deductible means you’re accepting more financial responsibility, which means that your premium goes down. Before you get the highest premium available, be sure that you can actually pay this premium.
Knowing that you are protected with the right homeowners insurance in Bristol, CT can give you the peace of mind you need for your first home policy. Contact North American Underwriters for all of your homeowners insurance needs in Bristol, Farmington, Plainville, and surrounding Connecticut areas.