How To Use Your Home Insurance To Safeguard Your Presents
Graduation season is upon us! If you have a recent high school or college graduate in the house, he or she has probably received some very thoughtful—and very valuable—gifts to help him or her start off on this new season of life. While you are thrilled for your grad, you may be worried about all of that unprotected value.
Here is a quick look at how you can use your existing home insurance to protect those valuable graduation gifts.
Fortunately, you do not need to take out a whole separate policy to protect you or your grad’s personal property. If you have already reached your policy limits on specific valuables, you can still schedule many items for insurance covered losses.
By scheduling an item on your policy, you specifically list it and its value. The cost of your scheduled property insurance will depend upon the value of the property you are trying to insure, but generally it will be more affordable to schedule items into your policy than secure separate coverage for them.
What kind of items can you schedule in? Most items! Commonly scheduled valuables include cameras, jewelry, firearms, golf clubs, musical instruments, computers, and art. Even if you do not see your grad’s gift on the list, talk to your agent. We are here to help you with your CT insurance, since 1967.
Scheduling items into your policy does not have to be a hassle. To ensure you can get protection for all of your valuables in Bristol, Farmington, and Plainville, contact North American Underwriters. We are here to help you best use your Connecticut home insurance so you can have peace of mind knowing all of your valuables are protected. Don’t renew until you call NAU!