An Umbrella Policy Offers Million Dollar Peace of Mind

An Umbrella Policy Offers Million Dollar Peace of Mind

In our litigious society – where approximately 15 million civil lawsuits are filed annually – an umbrella policy is a must-have. It’s coverage that kicks in where your homeowners and auto policies leave off, providing you with extra protection and peace of mind...
Winter Storm Weather Preparation

Winter Storm Weather Preparation

Before the weather outside becomes frightful, use this checklist to prepare for a winter storm. Food and water Water — at least a three-day supply; one gallon per person, per day Food — at least a three-day supply of non-perishable, high-energy, easy-to-prepare foods...
What is Employment Practices Liability Insurance?

What is Employment Practices Liability Insurance?

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) covers businesses against claims by workers that their legal rights as employees of the company have been violated. The number of lawsuits filed by employees against their employers has been rising. While most suits are...
Fireplace Safety Tips for the Holidays

Fireplace Safety Tips for the Holidays

Many find the winter holidays their favorite time of year with colorful decorations, warming their feet by the fire, hanging ornaments from the mantle and the special activities with friends and family. However, before hanging those ornaments by the fireplace, make...