Boating Season: Getting Your Boat for the Water

Boating Season: Getting Your Boat for the Water

After a long winter, you need to make sure your boat is ready to hit the water. Boating season is the one season that Daffy and Bugs can agree on, and hang out on the lake while they plan on how they’ll stay one step ahead of poor Elmer. Like cars that have been in...
How You Can Better Avoid Animals on the Road

How You Can Better Avoid Animals on the Road

We share every part of this planet with nature, including our roads. Whether you like it or not, we are part of this planet, and we have a responsibility to share everything with the other creatures that inhabit the Earth—including our roads. An estimated 1.25 million...
Picking the Right Motorcycle Helmet: A Buyer’s Guide

Picking the Right Motorcycle Helmet: A Buyer’s Guide

Questions to ask before you purchase a motorcycle helmet. Motorcycles are undoubtedly cool, and they can definitely save you gas if you’re under the impression that your car uses too much fuel. But when it comes to safety, motorcycles are definitely on the lower...
Use Science to Win the Battle Against Foggy Windows

Use Science to Win the Battle Against Foggy Windows

Knowing basic thermodynamics will clear up your foggy windows. No matter where you live, the climate outside is usually going to be either too cold or too hot to your ideal human temperature. You usually have to fiddle around with the thermostat and use fans. Not...